







2002.9-2006.7 华中师范大学生命科学公司生物技术专业,本科学位

2006.9-2009.7 华中师范大学生命科学公司生物化学与分子生物学专业,硕士学位

2011.9-2019.7 华中科技大学同济菠菜信誉平台集合网公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生学专业博士学位

2019.9-至今 就职于石河子大学医学公司预防医学系职业卫生与环境卫生教研室,教师,系教工支部宣传委员


welcome菠菜导航网, 创新发展专项, KX01860409, 新疆生产建设兵团第八师地方性氟中毒综合防治适宜技术研究, 2023-01 2024-12, 5万元, 在研, 主持

welcome菠菜导航网, 自主支持立项, KX01880203, mTOR/p70S6K通路在葡萄籽原花青素干预氟所致SH-SY5Y细胞毒性中的作用机制研究, 2021-01 2022-12, 8万元, 在研, 主持

welcome菠菜导航网, 高层次人才项目, KX018903, 葡萄籽原花青素在SD大鼠氟发育神经毒性中的作用研究, 2020-07  2023-7, 20万元, 在研, 主持

兵团财政科技计划, 重点领域科技攻关计划项目, 2021AB034, 兵团重大突发疫情精准防控决策支持平 台研发与示范应用, 2021-01 2023-12, 283万元, 在研, 参与

国家自然科学基金, 重点项目, 81430076, 线粒体动力学改变在氟神经毒性中的作用及白藜芦醇干预 效果研究, 2015-01 2019-12, 320万元, 参与


Guiqing Zhang*Altered serous levels of monoamine neurotransmitter metabolites in patients with refractory and non-refractory depressionNeural Regeneration Research20127(14):1113-1118

 Guoyu Zhou; Lu Yang; Chen Luo; Hongliang Liu; Pei Li; Yushan Cui; Li Liu; Xingchen Yu; Qiang Zeng; Jingwen Chen; Qian Zhao; Lixin Dong; Qiang Niu; Shun Zhang; Aiguo Wang ; Low-tomoderate fluoride exposure, relative mitochondrial DNA levels, and dental fluorosis in Chinese children, Environment International, 2019, 127: 70-77 SCI,收录)

Guoyu Zhou; Sha Tang; Lu Yang; Qiang Niu; Jingwen Chen; Tao Xia; Sumei Wang; Mengwei Wang; Qian Zhao; Ling Liu; Pei Li; Lixin Dong; Kedi Yang; Shun Zhang; Aiguo Wang ; Effects of long-term fluoride exposure on cognitive ability and the underlying mechanisms: Role of autophagy and its association with apoptosis, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2019, 378: 114608 SCI,收录)

Cheng Zhang; Pei Li; Shun Zhang; Rongrong Lei; Bei Li; Xue Wu; Chunyang Jiang; Xiaofei Zhang; Rulin Ma; Lu Yang; ChaoWang; Xiao Zhang; Tao Xia; Aiguo Wang ; Oxidative stress-elicited autophagosome accumulation contributes to human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell death induced by PBDE47, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2019, 56: 322-328SCI,收录)

Shun Zhang; Xiaofei Zhang; Hongliang Liu; Weidong Qu; Zhizhong Guan; Qiang Zeng; Chunyang Jiang; Hui Gao; Cheng Zhang; Rongrong Lei; Tao Xia; Zhenglun Wang; Lu Yang; Yihu Chen; Xue Wu; Yushan Cui; Linyu Yu; Aiguo Wang ; Modifying Effect of COMT Gene Polymorphism and a Predictive Role for Proteomics Analysis in Children’s Intelligence in Endemic Fluorosis Area in Tianjin, China, Toxicological Sciences, 2015, 144(2): 238-245 SCI,收录)

 Jiang C; Zhang S; Liu H; Guan Z; Zeng Q; Zhang C; Lei R; Xia T; Wang Z; Yang L; Chen Y; Wu X; Zhang X; Cui Y; Yu L; Wang A ; Low Glucose Utilization and Neurodegenerative Changes Caused by Sodium Fluoride Exposure in Rat's Developmental Brain, Neuromolecular Med, 2014, 16(1): 94- 105 SCI,收录)

